
Mid-term exams

Funky spider. For some reason I find myself
taking pictures about bugs all the time.

I'm stressing about exams. Too much to do. This and next week I have all together six exams. And just about in an hour it is time for the Japanese oral exam. To practice for that, I've been having some kindergarten-level conversations with Miku.

"Which one do you like the most, cake or ice cream?"
"Since I cut my hair, it is short now."

Hehee. I feel retarded having this kind of conversations with her week after week. It is like being a child again. I can't express my self.

Nice sunset at the rice fields on the way to supermarket

2 kommenttia:

  1. hyi hitto!

  2. Ota löysin rantein, älä jännitä!
    Jännät kuvat taas.
    Täällä kotona mietitään mitä syödään isäsi syntymäpäivän kunniaksi. Porova vai lammasta. Siinäpä vasta pulma.
    Ulkona alkaa valostua. Lumen härmää nurmikolla. Huomenna se vasta kun muuttuu talviaikaan.
    terkkui emolta


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